Porn Addiction

In today’s world digital media is always at our fingertips, this constant availability to online searches of free pornographic materials have led many into porn addiction. This constant “turned on” function has caused many to experience negative affects towards themselves, and their relationships.

Research shows pornography causes brain damage, and its addition is similar to substance addiction.*

Problematic or Compulsive Pornography use is known to negatively affect individual, spouses, and families. At Resilient Mind Counseling and Coaching, PLLC we have a team of that consists of both counseling, coaching, and support groups to help those who are seeking freedom from pornography addiction.

What is Porn Addiction?

Porn addiction is caused by a fixation on acquiring and viewing sexually explicit content. At times, this addiction can lead a person to view even violent or illegal forms of pornography.

Signs of Porn Addiction Include:

·      Secretly viewing pornographic materials

·      Compulsive or Repetitive viewing of pornography that impedes on daily activities, work duties, and home life

·      Viewing pornography in public places and/or on computers and cell phones that are not for personal use (i.e. work computers, shared computers, work cell phones)

·      High irritability in emotions when access to pornography is unavailable or withheld

·      Damage to self-esteem and personal relationships due to being unable to stop use

Porn addiction is known to have long-term effects on a person’s ability to have healthy relationships, which is why support to gain freedom from pornography addiction is vital.

 Negative Effects of Compulsive Porn Usage:

·      Emotional withdraw from spouse, children, friends, and family

·      Financial debt due to multiple subscriptions to pornography sites

·      Unable to perform properly at work due to desire to view pornography

·      Inability to achieve physical intimacy within a relationship

·      Low self-esteem, strong shame and guilty feelings

·      Increased probability of engaging in romantic/sexual affairs & risky sexual behaviors

·      Development of sexual dysfunction, like ED or premature ejaculation


Addiction thrives on secrecy, shame, and isolation. You've probably tried to address your behavior on your own, and it left you frustrated, wondering if change is even possible. It is - with the right help.

Healing from Pornography Addiction is much more than just stopping viewing porn. It takes a true alliance with the steps provided by your therapist and/or coach to achieve sobriety from the problematic behaviors.

Steps to healing from pornography addiction:

1.  Honesty and accountability : true change is rooted in being fully honest about your problem, admitting you do have an issue with problematic pornography usage.

2. Confrontation of Denial: Change can be difficult, no one wants to admit they have an issue, especially regarding problematic porn usage but to begin. In your healing journey, you must choose to confront the issue not deny or minimize it.

3. Develop Emotional Awareness and Self-Expression: People with problematic pornography usage often lack basic emotional language to describe their own pain, and lack healthy coping skills. In recovery, you must learn to become emotionally self-aware and gain the courage to share your emotions while asking for help. As they say, “The antidote to shame is connection.”

4. Allow Empathy and Understanding for Yourself: In your journey you will need to empathize with yourself by understanding self-forgiveness is possible and there is no need to hang your head believing you will never be free from the problem.

5. Change Your Habits & Restructure Your Life: Along your journey of sobriety, you will likely determine changes needed to obtain your sobriety. Willingness to have accountability, use software to prevent porn use, and set personal boundaries that hold your accountability in place are vital to your recovery.

How Counseling and Coaching Can Help

The initial and crucial step towards recovery is acknowledging the problem and understanding its impact on both your personal relationships and overall well-being. Next, it involves placing trust in your dedicated professional team to guide you through the journey towards a renewed life. At Resilient Mind Counseling and Coaching, PLLC, we provide a range of services including individual counseling, individual coaching, group coaching, and couples support, tailored to address your unique needs and relational dynamics. Our specialists offer proven therapies and coaching specifically designed to combat pornography addiction, empowering you to regain control of your life and foster healthier connections.